Welcome to Andean
Modern Publishing /
/ Elegant Masterpieces
Affordable Services, Transparent Pricing for All Your Publishing Needs
We Can Help Authors Obtain:
Andean Publishing ISBN and Logo
Library of Congress Control Number
Copyright Filing
And More
Established 2015, at Andean Publishing our goal is to turn writers into published authors
We are an independent, modern publishing house that wants to see more books in print. We provide services and resources that can help authors navigate the world of the publishing industry, while maintaining the highest quality control upheld by standart publishing houses. We provide a variety of services that can transform your manuscript into a beautiful books: custom book cover designs, premade book cover designs, proofreading, copyediting, interior layout, eBook design, and more with our Professional Publishing Bundles.
Our goal at Andean Publishing is to help authors achieve their goal of becoming a published author. Self-publishing is on the rise and is not going away, and seeing your books in print is the ultimate payoff! We provide a variety of services that can transform your manuscript into a beautiful books: custom book cover designs, premade book cover designs, proofreading, copyediting, interior layout, eBook design, and more with our Professional Publishing Bundles.